Agile Methodology hacks

Scrum Team layout:

Scrum Master: The scrum master helps to facilitate the sprint by ensuring that an agile framework is followed. He/she is committed to tracking issues and maintaining scrum boards, but should also remain flexible and open to opportunities for the team to improve their workflow.

DevOps: DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an team’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: version control, integration, managing dependencies (requirements.txt), AWS deployment are some of the key functions that impact velocity.

Development Team: The development team can be comprised of all kinds of people including designers, writers, presenters, developers, etc. Two key roles in Web Development are …

Frontend Developer: A front-end developer builds the front-end portion of websites and web applications—that is, the part that users actually see and interact with.

Backend Developer: Back-end developers a build and maintain the mechanisms that process data and perform actions like data storage, security, and other server-side functions that you cannot see.

Scrum Board:

The Scrum Board contains issues that are assigned to individuals, each of these issues will have tangible deliverable links (code/video/…). Scrum Team will use Scrum Board to understand everyone’s ideas and efforts

7 important skills

  1. Creativity. Do you think outside our inside the box? how do you work with planned system?

  2. Critical thinking. Use critical thinking to step back and solve problems. deal with problems before they arise.

  3. Communication. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IS VITAL. Communication is not just you communicating but also you interpreting what others communicate to you.

  4. Collaboration through Leadership. Leaders are big-picture thinkers who take various interests into account when making major decisions.

  5. Collaboration through teamwork. accept responsibilities, have trust in teammates, manage time wisely. work with team.

  6. Researching. Use research in all things. Use it before tackling problem to plan ahead. stop any problems before they arise.

  7. technical. Leaders are big-picture thinkers who take various interests into account when making major decisions.