my cool blog

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week 2 blog (probably JS) • 7 min read


planning is key

week 2 requirements/hacks

CSA Code, Code, Coding assignment.

Review. Teacher posts for JS Itunes API, JS Input, JS Output w/jquery, JS Output w/API.

Option 1. Add to the lessons and making code cells and hacks for better breakdown and understanding

Option 2. Combine all the concepts into something unique and you feel is awesome.

Make a plan on what you and your Pair plan to do, this must exist by Monday night. You should have proof in live review of a draft in GitHub Issues history.

Ask me questions and interact with me on Slack or live on Mon, Tue…. particularly interact with me when you have posted a draft of your plan. This would be

considered Collaboration. Try to get feedback from me on Plan.

Code Must have Data!!!

Must have Input.

Must have Output.

Input must impact Output.

Must be focused on JavaScript.

Bring these into GitHub pages repo as Hacks or Tangibles on you Time Box page.

Review code with ChatGPT, perhaps ask “Can you provide a review of this code?” Then paste code. Currate response into page(s).

Plan your Pair Showcase, know exactly what you will present. Try to do it within 3 minutes.

Build a review ticket in Time Box page to accelerate discussion.

Be ready for Live review on Wed through Friday



pokemon data table from API

This is the main highlight of our week 2 project. We pulled data from the PokeAPI to build a searchable table displaying pokemon data.


can sort table by clicking on name and id

can also filter table with user input (search box)

can display a random pokemon on user input (button click)


-Data is fetched from the API on page load and used to populate the table

-user input box allows filtering of pokemon names

-output table displays pokemon name, image, type, abilities on load, and can display a random pokemon on user input as well (button)

-user input changes contents of the table

-All functionality is handled with JavaScript and jQuery

The project fufills all requiremens for this week’s requirements for the project.

Snake game

Made by Mati, i’ll let him talk about it.

itunes API

feedback response

I felt that your feedback was asking us to do more with our project, hence why I decided to use a custom API for the pokemon data rather than just using itunes api and doing the hacks there. I also refined my work into just the API, so I can be clear that we are focusing on the single cool project.

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