my cool blog

whats up

week 0 blog + talking about the tools • 2 min read


planning is key

week 0 completions

got student blog up and running with custom theme

added java kernel to tools, and installed all neccessary tools I will need

added calculator from Mort’s code, customized with different colors and more functions

lab notebook done, from the csa schedule template.

about my tools

I’m kinda done for without my tools, so getting tools up this week was pretty important. It’s good that I have an actual IDE, and am not coding in a notepad, but i’m sure that I’ll need to install more tools down the line. Whatever those may be, I need to be sure I install and thoroughly test those tools, because I really don’t want to run into problems that I fuss over and then the obvious solution was the tools were not right, and not just skill issue.

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