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extra credit reflection • 4 min read



personal college app notes

-apply to lots of different schools b/c its kind of a lottety (rip), also undergrad doesn’t matter too much tbh

-consider alternatives to cs major b/c its super competitive. maybe consider data science or cognitive sciece

-extracurriculars that show cs knowledge are kinda good to highlight, also potentially highlight personal projects

-lots of cool personal projects help you to stand out, so make sure you talk about them.

-You should spend time doing coding projects

-vercel? could be a good lead for hosting personal projects and showcasing your skills. Ok, probably should look into it. apparently “easy”.

-sveltekit is also cool i guess

-grind leetcode lol, its a good way to get a job, you will probably get an offer. but if its painful, then you could mix in personal projects too

-use linkedin to search for internships. Go into community, use connections, get referrals out, get resume out there. Look at UC handshake?

-also could potentially cold email/message linkedin connections and local companies, maybe it could work?


TO SUCCEED IN CS, YOU MUST DO MORE THAN “get gud GPA” and “learn in class”. GRIND LEETCODE AND MAKE A PERSONAL PROJECT OR TWO. I should be good if I do this.


I should probably start doing leetcode problems and start a personal project. The leetcode will be good for jobs, and personal projects develop my skills and help me stand out. This isn’t a short-term problem, but starting now would help with the

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