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My Computer Science Strengths • 6 min read


maybe I might need to look at this later to remind myself how to solve problems

List of my CS strengths

1: perserverence: There were many times when I found myself stuck on a hard problem with no obvious solutions in sight, and knew that despite the struggle, I had to perservere. A lot of times, some problems just need to be solved by putting time and patience in, and I am more than capable of staying in the fight, and keeping my head up in the face of tough problems.

2: problem solving: When I first started coding, I sometimes fell into a situation where I would just throw whatever I could and hope it worked. As time progressed, I slowly refined my problem solving skills, and can now easily break down problems, then tackle the problem patiently and find a solution that I 1: understand, and 2: is something that seamlessly fits in with the code and could easily be reused for future projects.

3: Collaboration: The importance of collaboration cannot be understated in CS. Sometimes, solutions to problems are a lot easier to find when comparing what others have done in pursuit of the solution. I’ve collaborated with many different people in my CS class and in my extracurriculars, and I will remember that sometimes, asking for help and give you and your collaborator a better solution.

4: Curiosity: My curiosity of CS drives me to expand my skillset and constantly add more to my knowledge of this field. I do not think I would have any motivation to pursue CS or do good in my CS class if I wasn’t so interested in what this field has to offer, and how I can use my knowledge for myself.

5: Critical thinking: Stepping back from a problem I’ve been struggling with and solving it with some critical thinking has saved me countless hours of grief and pain. Good critical thinking is a very important skill I have in CS that is essential to have to solve problems without spending hours trying everything.

6: resourcefulness: this skill is a lot more subtle, but being able to recognize when problems can be solved with resources I know about helps me quickly find solutions and save myself lots of time I would spend on manual coding. Knowing a certain library or having existing code that can be reused is something that has saved me dozens of times.

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