these are some notes

###Lists and dictionaries

Lists and Dictionaries can collect information. You can add stuff to lists with .append(expression)

for_loop this is a loop that pulls data out of a list def for_loop(): print(“For loop output\n”) for record in InfoDb: print_data(record)

while_loop iterates through stuff similarily to for_loop, but this time it only iterates through a set amount while loop algorithm contains an initial n and an index incrementing statement (n += 1) def while_loop(): print(“While loop output\n”) i = 0 while i < len(InfoDb): record = InfoDb[i] print_data(record) i += 1 return


recursive loop this loops through itself by calling itself repeatedly. def recursive_loop(i): if i < len(InfoDb): record = InfoDb[i] print_data(record) recursive_loop(i + 1) return

print(“Recursive loop output\n”) recursive_loop(0)