submission 1

my score AP score my reasoning
1 1 program purpose and functionality is described. program functionality is also completely demonstrated in the video.
1 0 a list is used for the program and it not only has multiple elements but also makes the program more compact/better.
1 0 the list is explained as managing complexity and the use of the list does help.
0 0 Although the user developed procedure is shown, I don’t see how this function is called throughout the entire program nor its overall functionality in the whole program.
0 1 I don’t see how sequencing is used in the algorithm and therefore a point cannot be awarded.
1 1 the algorithm recieves inputs and the outputs are what is expected. overall testing is correct and everything is there.


my problems in this case were that I skimmed over some minor parts of sections of the CB rubric that caused points to be docked. It’s really important that all parts of the CB rubric are met for each case, as any one thing being skipped means that a point is instantly lost. basically, studying the CB rubric is especially important when writing the written portion out.

submission 2

my score AP score my reasoning
1 1 program functionality is demonstrated in the video. program purpose is described in the written section and input+output is shown.
0 1 an explanation for how the list takes in data and uses it is not present, therefore no point can be awarded.
0 1 an explanation for how this list manages complexity and stores data is not present, no point can be awarded.
1 1 a student developed procedure with parameters exists and it does contribute to the functionality of the program.
1 1 iteration, selection, and sequencing are all used in the procedure and are explained. the procedure is also thoroughly explained.
0 1 the procedure used is not identified so therefore no point can be awarded.


It’s not just the explanation that determines if your code will meet the requirements, but the code segemnts themselves also determine how your graded. I mistakingly deducted points for the submission not having any explanations for certain things, but now I see that you could leave a few things out of written explanation if you have it in codebase (but still keep written descriptive)

submission 3

my score AP score my reasoning
1 1 the program purpose and it’s functionality are shown in the video, and are talked about in written portion. nothing missing.
0 0 I don’t see any defined list that stores or uses data so no point can be given.
0 0 Since I don’t see any list they are talking about I can’t give a point. there is no truly defined solution without lists as well.
0 0 there are no defined parameters for the function so no point can be given.
0 0 I don’t see any use of iteration in the function so no point can be given.
0 0 there are no specific arguments that are being passed in during testing, only certain conditions, so no point is given.


when doing my CB Performance task, I should make sure to remember to go through the requirements for row 4 and 5 before developing the main function, in order to ensure that I don’t accidentally leave anything out that would cause me to lose points. Losing points on small things looks like a common trend, and I don’t want that to happen to me.

submission 4

score CB score reasoning
1 1 the program purpose as well as it’s inputs and outputs are described and do exist.
1 1 a list with the ability to store data and use it exists, and it contributes to the overall program.
1 1 the list does manage complexity and a solution without the list is not only plausible but exists.
1 1 a student developed procedure exists and it does take in parameters and is called in the 2nd code segment.
1 1 sequencing, selection, and iteration are all used in the procedure. the procedure is also thoroughly explained so that I could rebuild it.
1 0 there are different calls passed through the procedure that give different outputs. the outputs are also the expected ones.


I think that I am doing better on knowing how College Board will grade my performance task. I was tripped up on the last section however, as I wasn’t thorough enough in my grading. When I do my CB performance task, I should refer back to the performance task I graded with full marks and compare mine to theirs, to see if my performance task will get full credit.


although it looks like you could leave out some things from the written part and still get points if you have them in your code, I am going to make sure that my writen sections goes over each requirement of the CBPT rubric to ensure that I know whether or not my performance task will get full credit. additionally, I will need to be sure that I am constantly referring to the rubric when I am coding my task, so that I don’t accidentally leave anything out. I think that the hardest part of this will be making sure I am hitting all of the small requirements, not the actual project itself.