
question 1

I got this problem wrong because I didn’t consider that although malicious links can be posted to the database, the system doesn’t really interact with these links to be harmed by them. the more realistic answer that could reasonably happen would be unauthorized access to the database, which is more realistic and makes sense. I just didn’ think this one through enough.

question 2

I got this problem wrong because I assumed that a database would ensure that information is more secure, but really that is up to the level of cybersecurity that is given to this database. The answer that makes more sense is the 1st one about helping the company to ensure they make the right decisions, because that one is guarunteed by the database, and is not a theoretical benefit from having databases.

question 3

With this problem, I simply rushed through it and didn’t think it through. removing the last 4 instead of the last 2 characters makes sense, as we want the letters between the characters between the removed first 2 and last 2 characters. I guess I didn’t think this through enough and just picked 2 because it looked like it made more sense than removing 4 characters from the end.

question 4

For this problem, I think that what I did was I didn’t take the time to compare option C and D and see why these were different. I think I picked C because I missed the NOT part after the motion sensor check. If I had just looked at all of the options thoroughly and thought about why C was better than the other options, I may have noticed the not part and then known that D was the answer I was really after.

question 5

I got this one wrong because I didn’t consider all of the possibilities for when submitting values into the algorithm. I guess sudo-code reading is still something I could work on, although I still need to mentally think about each possible input when reading these algorithms, which takes a while. I think I just need to work on mentally considering all possibilitys of an algorithm or which scenarios in which an algorithm fails.

question 6

I for some reason thought that the if statement would be fulfilled when running through the algorithm in my head. It should be 3 because the if statement goes into the else and then because y is greater than 3, three is displayed. I guess I need to be more careful when I’m reading sudo code and testing inputs in my head.

question 7

I got this one wrong because I only considered the raw number of steps being taken, when I should have also taken into consideration how the steps for each algorithm are increasing. then, I would have seen how algorithm B would dramatically increase in steps. I was just not thinking about this problem enough.

final reflection

I think that the biggest problem for me is that I either skim over questions and miss important details, or I spend too much time testing each possible value on certain problems when the answer shouldn’t be that hard to find. More experience doing practice problems and tests would probably help me get better at quickly reading sudo code, then seeing where errors lie, and then picking the right answer, because those are the most time consuming problems I have right now.